Meet the Children
Sherika IMG_4500 "Friending Sherika was more than a desire, it was a calling from something greater than me. Spending time with her, seeing her huge smile and pure joy for life, gives me hope. The love, safety and happiness she receives from Zamni Beni shine through her; I am honored to be a part of it."- CAROLYN BORLENGHI HARRIS | MIAMI, FL


Alicia is shy with a beautiful smile. Although Alicia has hydrocephalus, is blind and does not communicate verbally, she is healthy and thriving. She is a favorite of the Zanmi Beni caregivers.


Anderson is 13 years old, and he came to Zanmi Beni with his grandmother, Zanmi Beni cook Madame Marie. Anderson is in seventh grade and is a hardworking and sweet boy. He is always pitching in to help others, and he enjoys his chores and playing soccer. Anderson is a responsible member of the Zanmi Beni family and a great role model for the younger children.


Andrecia has been at Zanmi Beni from the beginning. A long time patient of Zanmi Lasante she is hardworking, bright and kind. Andrecia shows great leadership potential, and she models this for her peers every day. She has many responsibilities from preparing the children for school and bedtime, to tutoring and dishwashing. Her eyesight has been declining over the years, and she traveled to Miami in 2018 to be treated by an ophthalmologist.


Betty arrived at Zanmi Beni after the 2010 earthquake. With an extremely vivacious personality, she loves to organize activities and is a leader among her peers. Betty is 11 years old and a sixth grade student. Hardworking and diligent Betty sometimes finds her academic work challenging. She enjoys and excels at cooking though and she wants to attend culinary school. Betty also likes to play basketball and board games.


Carl is 9 years old and in the second grade. He loves school, Power Rangers, soccer and poutine. Carl traveled to Canada at the age of 4 to receive treatment at the Shriner’s Hospital for Children in Montreal. As a result he now runs, plays and dances with his crutches. Carl placed first in his grade last year, and he would like to become a doctor. Carl has a bright future in front of him.


Chrisley is a happy and healthy 9 year old boy in the third grade. His favorite color is blue and Chrisley has a smile that lights up any room he enters. He enjoys music and dancing and also plays soccer. Chrisley always has a twinkle in his eye and he is known for being kind.


Christopher has been living at Zamni Beni since he was a baby. He is 8 years old and in the third grade. He likes to play basketball and dominos with his best friend Michaëlle. He does not mind helping with chores; he says he likes working in the kitchen and sweeping. His favorite color is blue. Christopher has been a rough and tumble independent boy from a very young age, and he is very self –sufficient for his age.


Claudia has physical and developmental disabilities. She is unable to communicate verbally and uses a wheelchair. Since arriving at Zanmi Beni, Claudia is now able to walk with assistance. She has a sweet disposition and an infectious laugh.

David Moise

David Moise uses a wheelchair and has physical and developmental disabilities. While he is unable to communicate verbally, David Moise enjoys being around his caregivers and the other children and enjoys hugs. He is a very sweet natured boy.


Davidson is 11 years old and in the sixth grade. He is known for his friendly disposition and his kindness and compassion for others. Davidson attends school, loves to read and play with his Zanmi Beni brothers and sisters. His favorite color is maroon. Davidson enjoys school and playing soccer. Davidson loves all the Marvel superheroes but his favorite is Spiderman.


Dieuverson is 9 years old and in the fourth grade and his favorite color is blue. Like most kids at Zanmi Beni he likes to play soccer especially when he gets to be the goaltender. He also likes to play jump rope with his friends. While Dieuverson found school challenging at first, he has tried very hard and enjoys learning.


Dorestan is 17 years old. He has both physical and developmental disabilities and while he is not capable of speaking, he is able to communicate with sounds and gestures. He enjoys listening to music and the company of the staff and other children at Zanmi Beni. Every morning Dorestan insists on being parked beside the radio. He can be very particular about the music he wants to listen to, and he is not shy about letting everyone know he wants the radio changed to a different station.


Esmane attends school and loves to read, draw and play basketball. He enjoys keeping in touch with visitors on Facebook.


Frachette arrived at Zanmi Beni in 2012. Frachette has both developmental and intellectual disabilities and uses a wheelchair. She has adapted well to her new home, gained weight, and has improved overall in her health status.


Geraldine has physical and developmental disabilities and is non-verbal. She enjoys spending time with the other children.


Gilbert has physical and developmental disabilities and while he uses a wheelchair, he is learning to walk with assistance. He is very happy sitting outside under a tree with his friends.


Gisele is a 15 year old girl who has an engaging personality who likes to be involved in all Zanmi Beni activities. Gisele has both physical and verbal limitations, so she is home schooled. Her favorite color is yellow and she enjoys playing basketball and dancing. She also loves shoes, jewelry and having her nails painted.


Isabelle has developmental and intellectual disabilities. Isabel is a sweet child who communicates with others through smiles and gestures. She uses a wheelchair and since coming to Zanmi Beni her health has greatly improved. She is loved by all.


James is 11 years old and is in the sixth grade. He adores school and doing his homework. When he’s older, he would like to become a math teacher in an elementary school. On top of this, he likes to play soccer with his friends at Zanmi Beni. His favourite colours are yellow and apricot.


Johanne and her siblings Esmane and Sheila lived at Zamni Beni when it opened until last year when they moved out to live independently. Johanne graduated from the culinary school and is currently employed with Pwasn Beni, the restaurant on the grounds of Zamni Beni.


Johny has epilepsy and is unable to communicate. He is very active and loves to run around the Zanmi Beni campus. He is learning to interact positively with his brothers and sisters.


Julien has epilepsy and intellectual disabilities. Julien uses a wheelchair but is learning to walk with assistance. He is shy and prefers to spend time alone. He is very cooperative and follows instructions well.


Laurent is 10 years old and in the fifth grade. He loves math and wants to work in the business world when he grows up. He loves doing schoolwork, and playing jump rope and dominos. His favorite color is red and he is an amazing dancer.


Lovely has physical and developmental disabilities and uses a wheelchair. While she is non-verbal, Lovely interacts with staff and the other children through gestures, facial expressions and her beautiful smile.


Lucie has physical and developmental disabilities and uses a wheelchair. While she is unable to communicate verbally, she often makes her views known through gestures, smiles and facial expressions. She enjoys being with the other children and meeting new visitors to Zanmi Beni.


Marco is 9 years old and is in the fourth grade. He loves soccer and would like to become a professional goaltender when he grows up. His favourite food is rice and he loves dogs.


Marcus is 11 years old and in the sixth grade. He loves to play soccer with his friends at Zanmi Beni. When he’s older, he would like to become a pilot, because he often looks at airplanes in the sky and imagines himself flying.


Marken has physical and developmental disabilities and does not communicate verbally. Staff and the children communicate with him through gestures. Marken uses a wheelchair.


Martine has physical and development developmental disabilities. While Martine uses a wheelchair, she is also learning to walk with assistance. Martine enjoys being around the other children and she has a great sense of humor. She is always enthusiastic when she sees old friends and when she meets new ones.


Merline is 10 years old and is developmentally disabled. She was born with bilateral clubbed feet and has undergone corrective surgery and continues to receive physical therapy.


Michara came to Zanmi Beni in 2012. Michara has physical and developmental disabilities and uses a wheelchair. She is quiet and is not able to communicate verbally.


Mika is very loving and affectionate, has a great smile and loves giving hugs to others. She loves to play ball with her best friend Nicole. Her favorite meal is all-meat pizza. She says she loves to spend time with Nicole, even at meal time.


Milly has physical and developmental disabilities and while she is unable to communicate verbally her caregivers say that she has the biggest heart at Zanmi. She enjoys being hugged and spending time with others.


One-year-old Mishama came to Zanmi Beni in late 2018. Mishama is bright animated and always seems to be in a terrific mood. She loves to follow all the comings and goings at Zanmi Beni, and she is always thrilled when her mom visits with her.


Poised, sophisticated and a talented artist, 18 year old Nephtalie in home schooled and loves to read. Her passion is being an artisan, and she now has her own shop on the Zanmi Beni Campus, Tatelye Beni Kay Nephtalie. Her shop employs 3 workers, and as her work becomes more known, sales of her jewelry and t-shirts will move on-line. Nephtalie Beni is an artist to keep your eye on; she will do great things.


Nicole is a lively child 9 year old in the fourth grade. She loves to sing, dance and perform on stage, and she is always curious to know what is happening around the campus. Nicole also enjoys arts and crafts and she would like to be a professional dancer when she grows up. Her favorite color is pink.


Ogeline is 11 years old and in the sixth grade. Pink is her favorite color. A hardworking and dedicated student, Ogeline hasn’t decided whether she would like to be a doctor or a dentist when she grows up. Ogeline’s quiet, mature leadership skills are evident at home, school and on her competitive soccer team.

Pascal (the older)

Pascal has developmental and intellectual disabilities. He does not communicate verbally and uses a wheelchair. He is most comfortable reclining in bed.

Pascal (the younger)

Pascal is intellectually and physically disabled and is unable to communicate verbally. He does not engage with or respond to others. He uses a wheelchair and caregivers assist Pascal with all his daily living needs.


Patrick is known as the “Mayor” of Zanmi Beni. He has cerebral palsy and is deaf. While he is unable to communicate verbally, Patrick is very opinionated and makes his views known through gestures and some sign language which he has learned while at Zanmi Beni. Patrick participates in chores around the campus and enjoys helping in the various construction projects that have taken place. While Patrick originally used a wheelchair, he has learned to walk and run going through many pairs of sneakers every year. He has also become a whiz on the computer.

Peter Johnn

Peter is 20 years old and graduated with top honors from high school in 2019. He applied and was accepted to medical school in a highly competitive process. He will begin his medical studies in the fall of 2019.


Peterson came to us in 2010 as a sensitive child who enjoyed playing with others. He is a very healthy, happy and sociable boy. He is 9 years old and in the fourth grade. He loves to play soccer and basketball and his favorite color is blue.


Rene is 11 years old in the seventh grade. He likes to play basketball with the other kids at Zanmi Beni. He enjoys school and his favorite subject is math. He hopes to be a math teacher one day. His favorite color is red.


Rose Marie is a newcomer to Zanmi Beni. She is intellectually disabled and requires supports to address challenging behavioral issues. She loves music and will dance for hours on end.


Roudy was referred to Zanmi Beni by Haiti’s social services department in 2013. Developmentally delayed, it is unknown how long Roudy had been fending for himself on the streets of Port- Au -Prince. Since joining the family, Roudy has taken on responsibility for feeding and caring for the dogs, and he is always cheerful and willing to help out others. Roudy is kind and protective of the younger children and always pleasant and sweet to be around.


Samuel is a friendly, loving child who engages others with his big smile. Samuel has been living at Zamni Beni since he was a baby. Samuel is 9 years old and in third grade. He loves to laugh and also to make others laugh. His favourite activity is drawing with his best friend Sébastien. When he grows up, Samuel wants to become a professional soccer player. His favorite color is blue.


Sandy is an outgoing girl, in spite of her inability to communicate verbally. She uses a wheelchair and has physical and intellectual disabilities as well as alopecia, a condition that prevents hair growth. Sandy loves attention and enjoys playing with others.


Sebastien is an active 10 year old boy in the fifth grade. He enjoys playing soccer especially with his best friend, Samuel. His favorite color is pink.


Sheila is a beautiful young lady, who lives at Zanmi Beni with her brother Esmane and sister Johanne. Although Sheila attends school, she finds her studies tedious and difficult, and she would tell you that she prefers dancing to studying. She aspires to be a model and is a very talented artist.


Sherika is 13 years old and she is homeschooled. Although she is in a wheelchair and sometimes her speach can be difficult to understand, she is a favorite of staff and visitors alike. A girly girl, Sherika loves pink, nail polish, fancy shoes and cake. Her favorite activities are swimming and chatting with visitors.


Stanley is 21 years old. Since the bakery at Zanmi Beni was built, Stanley has shown a real love of baking. He woke up very early each day to bake bread not only for the children and staff but also enough for sale to the local community. His love of baking resulted in his pursuing formal training at culinary school from where he recently graduated. He is also a very warm and dedicated caregiver to the younger children.


Steff is 11 years old and in the sixth grade. He dreams of becoming a soccer superstar some day. He says that he runs very fast and likes to have his team win when they play for fun at Zanmi Beni. He also loves to play cards. Steff trains and plays with a competitive soccer team.


Stephane is 11 years old and is in the sixth grade. He enjoys playing dominoes with the other kids at Zanmi Beni and his favorite color is blue. He is a hard working student who enjoys school. He also trains and plays on a competitive soccer team.


Tommy is a sweet boy who has severe epilepsy, developmental disabilities, and uses a wheelchair. Caregivers help Tommy with all aspects of his life. He has an endearing smile and everyone loves him and looks out for him.


Wadley is an adorable boy who has developmental disabilities. He uses a wheelchair and is unable to communicate with words, but his eyes and infectious laugh says it all. He literally lights up a room drawing people to him.


Wendy is 21 years old and recently completed his studies at culinary school. Wendy enjoyed spending time at the Zanmi Beni bakery and canteen where he nurtured his interest in the hospitality industry. Wendy is also very handy with tools, and he has taught himself how to tinker with motorcycles and small appliances.


Yveline is an 11-year-old who is feisty and sensitive. She is a dedicated student and is now in the fifth grade. She enjoys playing games and her favorite color is blue.