57 results for group: children


Rene is 11 years old in the seventh grade. He likes to play basketball with the other kids at Zanmi Beni. He enjoys school and his favorite subject is math. He hopes to be a math teacher one day. His favorite color is red.

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Peterson came to us in 2010 as a sensitive child who enjoyed playing with others. He is a very healthy, happy and sociable boy. He is 9 years old and in the fourth grade. He loves to play soccer and basketball and his favorite color is blue.

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Patrick is known as the “Mayor” of Zanmi Beni. He has cerebral palsy and is deaf. While he is unable to communicate verbally, Patrick is very opinionated and makes his views known through gestures and some sign language which he has learned while at Zanmi Beni. Patrick participates in chores around the campus and enjoys helping in the various construction projects that have taken place. While Patrick originally used a wheelchair, he has learned to walk and run going through many pairs of sneakers every year. He has also become a whiz on the computer.

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Pascal (the older)

Pascal has developmental and intellectual disabilities. He does not communicate verbally and uses a wheelchair. He is most comfortable reclining in bed.

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Pascal (the younger)

Pascal is intellectually and physically disabled and is unable to communicate verbally. He does not engage with or respond to others. He uses a wheelchair and caregivers assist Pascal with all his daily living needs.

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Ogeline is 11 years old and in the sixth grade. Pink is her favorite color. A hardworking and dedicated student, Ogeline hasn’t decided whether she would like to be a doctor or a dentist when she grows up. Ogeline’s quiet, mature leadership skills are evident at home, school and on her competitive soccer team.

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Nicole is a lively child 9 year old in the fourth grade. She loves to sing, dance and perform on stage, and she is always curious to know what is happening around the campus. Nicole also enjoys arts and crafts and she would like to be a professional dancer when she grows up. Her favorite color is pink.

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Poised, sophisticated and a talented artist, 18 year old Nephtalie in home schooled and loves to read. Her passion is being an artisan, and she now has her own shop on the Zanmi Beni Campus, Tatelye Beni Kay Nephtalie. Her shop employs 3 workers, and as her work becomes more known, sales of her jewelry and t-shirts will move on-line. Nephtalie Beni is an artist to keep your eye on; she will do great things.

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Milly has physical and developmental disabilities and while she is unable to communicate verbally her caregivers say that she has the biggest heart at Zanmi. She enjoys being hugged and spending time with others.

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Mika is very loving and affectionate, has a great smile and loves giving hugs to others. She loves to play ball with her best friend Nicole. Her favorite meal is all-meat pizza. She says she loves to spend time with Nicole, even at meal time.

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